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Jinghai facilitates rural revitalization with agricultural products

Updated : 2023-11-03

On Nov 2, Tianjin's Jinghai district held a press conference on the local promotion of rural revitalization.


Jinghai district holds a press conference on the local promotion of rural revitalization on Nov 2.

In recent years, Jinghai district has explored and fostered a number of products with significant local characteristics. Its sales revenue exceeded 10 billion yuan (about $1.37 billion) in 2022. Currently, Jinghai has 29 reputable agricultural brands, five of them have been recognized as "well-known domestic brands”.

Digging deep into the "soil" resources

Jinghai utilizes the historical and cultural heritage contained in the "local specialty" to promote excellent folk culture and further explore its commercial value.

In Jinghai, the intangible cultural heritage of the handmade willow weaving in Hulianzhuang has been inherited for over a hundred years. The products are environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. In addition to showcasing local culture, these products have also provided jobs for over 500 farmers. Currently, there are over 500 different handmade willow weaving products sold in more than 10 countries, with annual sales revenue of over 30 million yuan.

Highlighting the advantages of unique characteristics

Jinghai has been actively promoting its natural ecological advantages to be transformed into economic development. Taitou town in Jinghai, running through the Daqing River and Ziyu River, has fertile sandy soil with rich mineral content, which is very suitable for fruit and vegetable cultivation. In recent years, the region has actively guided farmers to improve varieties, optimize cultivation, and enhance quality, creating the famous Chinese geographical indication agricultural product brand - Taitou Watermelon.

Expanding the production chain

Over these years, Jinghai district has vigorously developed the agricultural product processing industry, expanded and promoted the construction and upgrading of the agricultural industry chain. From the stalls on the street to the large-scale factories, Wangkou Fried Snacks has achieved a leap forward in the traditional snacks industry. Currently, Wangkou town of Jinghai district has nearly 300 nut processing and related enterprises, accounting for over 20% of the national market share, becoming the largest nut market and distribution center in North China.

Going forward, Jinghai district will focus on the revitalization of industries and the development of local unique products, enabling local economic development through rural characteristic industries.